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Reggie K 7:27 Wed Sep 7
iPhone 7

No headphone jack? No clickable home button?

IOS10 looks decent.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

kch 9:10 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
upgrade your iphone 6 to an iphone 7:


ray winstone 5:24 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
Hammers1993, I'm with you on the AKG front, top notch sound for not a lot of pennies.

PistonHammered 5:10 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
BB, I agree, Apple headphone buds have never worked for me. Uncomfortable and always coming out! That would present a problem with the wireless version as they would hit the ground and possibly get lost or damaged.

And call me old fashioned but I ain't wearing fucking headphones that look like ear rings!

Hammers1993 5:05 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
Adaptor jack*

Hammers1993 5:05 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
Just buy some pucka headphones and plug them into the jack. Got some great AKG ones for a decent price.

Check Richer Sounds or somewhere like that.

bubbleblower 5:03 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
iphone headphones have always been rubbish and uncomfortable. These new ones look the same but wireless.

PistonHammered 5:02 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7

As you were.

i-Ron 4:59 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
I was on about the headphones.

PistonHammered 4:58 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
i-Ron 3:49 Thu Sep 8

"The samsung equivalent are $225"

Samsung 7 is $299 with a two year contract or $800 if you buy it outright, plus the phone lacks many features the iPhone offers. But who cares, if it blows your skirt up and makes you happy then what's the argument?

Oh, and one other little detail that might be of interest.........


Hammers1993 4:46 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
The wireless are seperate yes, but you get earphones with it including the adaptor within the price of the phone if you require that? I don't get the issue.

Wireless is poor quality compared to wired anyway so I think it's pretty fair what they have done. Don't get me wrong I didn't see the issue with the audio jack but it's not like they have screwed anyone over by changing it as they have thrown everything in at the same price as the 6?

i-Ron 3:49 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
The samsung equivalent are $225

Charoo 3:49 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
It still amazes me - the amount of emotion a phone and a brand brings out in people.

If you like it, then buy it, if you don't, then don't.

It's not fucking hard is it.

Lee Trundle 3:26 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
It's a very clever move from Apple by deciding to remove the headphone jack.

$169 for the wireless earbuds, and they'll sell a tonne of them.

Then they'll be the Beats by Dre version which will be even more expensive than that, I'd imagine.

Sven Roeder 3:21 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
I saw that about IPHONE 8 being the one to wait for

Those EAR POD things that they have made you buy by taking away the jack are I believe £159

ha ha ha

boleyn8420 3:10 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
Um it looks like evry other fucking iphone but I suppose there will still be the numpties queuing up all night to buy one and for some inexplicable reason will be on the News as they drop the fucking thing. It's a mobile phone everyone has one, it's not something to get excited about. I'm getting old arn't I

Buster 3:03 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
They're still developing Google glass.

And strangely enough, I've actually seen an increase in those bluetooth things recently. Mainly among the middle aged/older generation though.

zebthecat 3:00 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
jools268 2:48 Thu Sep 8

Quite - it is why you don't see bluetooth earpices any more and Google glass was a non-starter

jools268 2:48 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
Those Airpod things look fucking stupid and anyone wearing them should be laughed at in the street.

Fuck apple and fuck their fanboys.

Fivetide 11:18 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
Next year's is the biggy for Apple. All glass, OLED etc...

joe royal 11:07 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
I reckon it has another ten years to run.

Buster 10:40 Thu Sep 8
Re: iPhone 7
joe royal 10:39 Wed Sep 7

How many times are you going to do that 'gag', you fucking bore?

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